Monday, August 24, 2020

Cis Environment Essay Example

Cis Environment Paper The components of interior control are the equivalent; the PC just draped the techniques by which these components are actualized. 2. What is implied by general controls comparable to SIS condition? General controls are those control strategies and methods that identify with the general PC data framework. The motivation behind general SIS controls is to set up a structure Of by and large powers over the SIS exercises and to give a sensible affirmation that the general destinations of interior control are accomplished. These may include: - association and the board controls - application frameworks improvement and upkeep controls - PC activity controls - framework programming controls information passage and program controls 3. Identify and portray every one of the five (5) general controls in a SIS situation. A. Authoritative Controls similarly as in a manual framework, there ought to be a composed arrangement of the association, with away from of power and obligation. In a SIS situation, the arrangement of an association for a substance PC framework ought to incorporate isolation between the client and SIS office, and isolation of obligations inside the SIS office. B. Frameworks advancement and documentation controls programming improvement just as changes thereof should be endorsed by the fitting degree of the board and the client office. To guarantee that PC programs are working as planned, the program must be tried and altered, if necessary, by the client and SIS condition. C. We will compose a custom article test on Cis Environment explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Cis Environment explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Cis Environment explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Access Controls each PC framework ought to have sufficient security controls to ensure hardware, records and projects. Access to the PC ought to be constrained uniquely to administrators and other approved workers. D. Information recuperation controls it accommodates the support of back-up records and off-site stockpiling strategies. PC records ought to be replicated every day to tape or plates and made sure about off-site. In case of disturbance, remaking of records is accomplished by refreshing the latest back-up with resulting exchange information. E. Checking controls are intended to guarantee that SIS controls are working adequately as arranged. These incorporate intermittent assessment of the sufficiency and viability Of the general SIS tasks directed by people inside or outside the substance. 4. What are the essential duties of the accompanying? A. Sister Director Exercises authority over the SIS activity. B. Framework Analyst Designs new frameworks, assesses and improves existing frameworks, and gets ready placations for developers. C. Software engineers Guided by details of the frameworks expert, the developers composes a program, test and troubleshoots such projects, and readies the PC activity guidance. . PC Operator Using the program and itemized activity guidelines arranged by the developer, PC administrator works the PC to process exchanges. E. Information Entry Operator Prepares and checks input information for handling. F. Administrator Maintains authority of frameworks documentation, projects and records. G. Control Group - Reviews all info reoccurred, screen PC handling follow-up information preparing blunders, surveys the sensibility of yield, and appropriates yield to approved work force. . Identify and depict every one of the three (3) application controls in a SIS domain. A. Powers over Input controls are intended to give sensible confirmation that information submitted for handling are finished, appropriately approve and precisely converted into machine decipherable structure b. Powers over preparing - ? Handling controls are intended to give sensible confirmation that input information are prepared precisely, and that information re not lost, included, prohibited, copied or inappropriately changed. C. Power over yield Output controls are intended to give sensible affirmation that the aftereffects of handling are finished, precise and that these yield are circulated distinctly to approved work force. 6. Give at any rate six (6) input controls corresponding to SIS condition. A. Key confirmation b. Field check c. Legitimacy check d. Self-checking digit e. Cutoff check f. Control aggregates 7. What is implied by trial of control in a SIS situation? Trial of control in a SIS situation includes assessment the customers inside introduction arrangements and techniques to decide whether they are working as expected. Notwithstanding the idea of the customers information preparing framework, examiners must perform trial of controls fifthly expect to depend on the customers inner control. The reviewers destinations and extent of the review don't change in a SIS domain. Be that as it may, the utilization of the PC changes the handling and capacity of money related data and may influence the association and techniques utilized by the element to accomplish sufficient interior control. In like manner, the techniques utilized by the inspector in testing he control may likewise be influenced. Testing the dependability of general controls may remember watching customers faculty for playing out their obligations; assessing program documentation; and watching the safety efforts in power. In testing application controls, the inspector may either review around the PC or use Computer-Assisted Techniques. 8. What is implied by evaluating around the PC? Reviewing around the PC is like trying control in manual control structure in that it includes assessment of records and reports to decide the unwavering quality of the framework. When utilizing this methodology, the evaluator Norse the customers information preparing strategies, concentrating exclusively on the information archives and the SIS yield. Information are just accommodated with the yield to check the exactness of handling. Inspecting around the PC is situated in the suspicion that if the information accommodates with the yield, the PC program more likely than not prepared the exchange precisely. 9. Recognize Test information and Integrated Test Facility (TIFT. Test Data is fundamentally intended to test the adequacy of the inner control systems which are joined in the customers PC program. The target of the test information procedure is to decide if the customers PC projects can accurately deal with substantial and invalid conditions as they emerge while when utilizing incorporated test office, the examiner makes sham or imaginary representative or other suitable unit for testing inside the entitys PC framework. Not at all like test information, which is run free of the customers information, an I TAP coordinates the preparing of the test information with the genuine handling of standard exchanges without the board monitoring the testing procedure 10. Thoroughly analyze equal reproduction, test information and coordinated est. office (TIFT).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Conventional Approaches To Strategic Management

Traditional Approaches To Strategic Management The point of this paper is to fundamentally break down and assess the application, legitimacy, restrictions and vulnerabilities of the traditional methodologies of vital administration in this quickly changing business setting. It quickly diagrams vital administration as it is generally instructed, contemplated and rehearsed and how associations figure out what methodologies are able inside different business conditions. With regards to the objective, the paper debates the legitimacy and materialness of the conventional methodology in todays deconstructing circumstance where the chances and difficulties make any sort of coherent vital arranging fall flat. Through the contentions expressed in this paper, a mix and a correct blend of prescriptive and emanant approaches is fundamental and should be fused in the vital administration process for progression. Along these lines regular methodologies with its advantages and disadvantages, despite everything win in todays monetary business se tting. In any undertaking, technique is a crucial factor for the proficient working, development, improvement, congruity and accomplishment of a firm. It intends to accomplish a set objective and sets out a heading for what's to come. Associations require coordinated effort, wary arranging and the careful execution of arranging. To amplify the viability of systems and to guarantee the smooth working and accomplishment of the business, they must be overseen skilfully. So what is methodology? What job does vital administration play in this worldwide monetary world? The word methodology has been verifiably utilized in different manners regardless of whether it has been customarily characterized in just one. It is broadly acknowledged that there is no single or all inclusive meaning of methodology, anyway the different depictions of technique permits individuals to move and control through this troublesome pitch. Mintzberg(1994) characterizes technique in 5 distinct ways. Plan A deliberately proposed strategy to guarantee goals are accomplished. Ploy Basically a subset of plan and is a stunt proposed to outmaneuver or beat a rival or a contender. Example Series of activity which includes steady conduct after some time which could conceivably be planned. Position Locating the association inside a situation. Point of view It is applied just as social and is worried about how an association itself sees and sees the business condition. The over 5 Ps might be material in immensely various territories and can likewise be interrelated. Johnson Scholes (2008) characterizes system as the bearing and extent of an undertaking over the long haul; which accomplishes advantage for the firm through plan of assets inside a requesting domain, to address the issues of the business sectors and achieve the desires for the partners. The procedure of vital administration incorporates examination of the inner and outer condition, arrangement of system, execution of methodology, and assessment of technique. The hypothesis of key administration is broke down inside an incorporated model of setting, substance and procedure. There are two methodologies for authoritative change: The Prescriptive Approach which works best in a steady domain and Emergent Approaches which is utilized in an eccentric manner. These methodologies are the generally known vital models and should be inspected completely inside the setting of the quick paced, exceptionally serious and progressively powerful business condition. The prescriptive methodology, otherwise called intentional technique is a conventional way to deal with key administration. It is a deterministic and precise game plan intended to accomplish a particular objective as long as possible. It is generally the duty of the top administration to build up clear key bearings through examination and assessment and afterward execute them through the progressive layers of the association. Porter(1996) states that serious procedures are about a proposed game-plan of being not quite the same as the opponents and separating yourself according to client by doing different one of a kind exercises which include esteem and by situating yourself seriously in the earth. Doorman keeps up that purposeful systems are deliberate and preparing is significant and ought to be planned and explained by pioneers in an anticipated and controlled condition to accomplish the objectives and destinations. Watchman additionally expresses that exchange offs and operationa l viability are a fundamental part for manageability. Then again, Mintzberg (1994), probably the greatest pundit of prescriptive methodology built up the new way to deal with key administration. He expresses that in emanant methodologies the last goal is indistinct and it a procedure of advancement, adaption, shift and progression. Emanant systems are progressively effective in this disordered world as they are inadvertent and are the aftereffect of off the cuff reaction to unanticipated circumstances which rise over the long run. For instance, Sam Walton, the organizer of Wal-Mart, choice to open his second store in a rustic region as opposed to a major city, for comfort of coordinations and the executives productivity was an incredible winning new system. Additionally as there was less rivalry and individuals would venture out to purchase items which offered an incentive at the most reduced costs, made the business effective. A rising technique builds adaptability in the midst of disturbance and permits the firm to react to circumstances and benefit as much as possible from the dangers. Mintzberg contends that the developing procedures are the aftereffect of consistent getting the hang of, changing and experimentation of various factors. Huge numbers of the world revelations have happened accidently and would not have occurred in the event that it was directed by formal arranging of technique. On a negative note, as the new technique is anything but an orderly and straight procedure, plan and execution happen all the while which would prompt moderate, chaotic and scattered turn of events. Blends and Hunt calls attention to that overdependence on developing methodology can prompt underperformance of the association. Then again, purposeful procedures are arranged and placed without hesitation, anyway because of the unrealised and eccentric changes in the business condition; the vast majority of the arranged techniques are not actualized. SWOT gives a knowledge on the inside and outer components which are useful and destructive for accomplishment of a particular target of an association. PESTLE is an examination of the full scale condition in which the firm works. Worth CHAIN ANALYSIS brings up the essential exercises which are straightforwardly identified with creation of items (eg coordinations, deals) and the auxiliary exercises (eg Human Resource, innovation) which are not legitimately engaged with creation, however are basic for the productivity and viability of the procedure. It characterizes the center abilities of the firm and its assists with making sense of the upper hand over expense and its rivals by increasing the value of the different exercises. Doormen 5 FORCE system is a basic yet useful asset to comprehend the setting wherein the firm works and examine the engaging quality and monetary execution of an industry which would prompt progressively feasible money related comes back to the partners. As per Porters top of the line book Competitive Advantage, the powers that impact the productivity of an industry in a business domain are the section of new contenders, the dealing intensity of providers, the danger of substitutes, the haggling intensity of purchasers and the contention among existing contenders. The over four are significant apparatuses in the key administration process. Doorman expresses that vital administration is tied in with plotting a path through the work of dangers and openings mounted by outside serious powers. The vulnerability, confusion and precariousness that portray worldwide market challenge any sort of predictibilty, which is an imperative base of numerous a customary procedure of key administration (Pitts, 2000). Earthy colored Eisenhardt (1998) states that customary ways to deal with system frequently breakdown even with quickly and flightiness evolving businesses. The mechanical advances have quickened the procedure of correspondence and globalization has extended fundamentally. The move and rebuilding in government strategies and the ongoing psychological militant assaults have affected organizations. The difficulties of detailing and execution of procedures inside a structure where worldwide disastrous occasions have an undulating impact on nearby economic situations, has been thought little of by the board, as indicated by analysts. Patterns in the biophysical environment has changed and compromised people and different species in different geographic territories. Occasions, fo r example, the psychological oppressor assault on the twin pinnacle working in New York on September 11, 2001, or the Tsunami in Japan has a subverting impact on the worldwide budgetary markets. The discerning way to deal with vital administration which is a top down methodology assists with settling the complexities of a firm in its steady condition. It is considered as an intelligent and nonstop procedure which includes characterizing the crucial setting long haul destinations, deliberate and comprehensive examination of the serious condition, making and assessing elective methodologies, actualizing the different techniques lastly checking the exhibition. Ansoff(1965) states that it assists with sorting out complex exercises and utilize a more noteworthy command over different specialty units which prompts mastery of commercial center. This methodology is established on the possibility that organizations are adjusted to adapt to changes in their condition by taking sound and complete choices (Chaffee, 1985). Because of insufficiency of foreseeing the future, this methodology is extremely direct and ridiculous and depends on the reasoning and suppositions of the upper level administration. In an intricate and precarious condition the qualities and the job of standard techniques are as yet indistinct and may prompt more difficulties rather

Thursday, July 23, 2020

What Is General Intelligence (G Factor)

What Is General Intelligence (G Factor) Theories Cognitive Psychology Print How General Intelligence Influences Performance on Cognitive Tasks By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on September 30, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW on September 30, 2019 Verywell / Emily Roberts More in Theories Cognitive Psychology Behavioral Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology General intelligence, also known as g factor, refers to the existence of a broad mental capacity that influences performance on cognitive ability measures. Charles Spearman first described the existence of general intelligence in 1904. According to Spearman, this g factor was responsible for overall performance on mental ability tests. Spearman noted that while people certainly could and often did excel in certain areas, people who did well in one area tended also to do well in other areas. For example, a person who does well on a verbal test would probably also do well on other tests. Those who hold this view believe that intelligence can be measured and expressed by a single number, such as an IQ score. The idea is that this underlying general intelligence influences performance on all cognitive tasks. General intelligence can be compared to athleticism. A person might be a very skilled runner, but this does not necessarily mean that they will also be an excellent figure skater. However, because this person is athletic and fit, they will probably perform much better on other physical tasks than an individual who is less coordinated and more sedentary. Spearman and General Intelligence Charles Spearman was one of the researchers who helped develop a statistical technique known as factor analysis. Factor analysis allows researchers to a number of different test items that can measure common abilities. For example, researchers might find that people who score well on questions that measure vocabulary also perform better on questions related to reading comprehension. Spearman believed that general intelligence represented an intelligence factor underlying specific mental abilities. All tasks on intelligence tests, whether they related to verbal or mathematical abilities, were influenced by this underlying g-factor. Many modern intelligence tests, including the Stanford-Binet, measure some of the cognitive factors that are thought to make up general intelligence. These include visual-spatial processing, quantitative reasoning, knowledge, fluid reasoning, and working memory. Visual-spatial processing involves such abilities as putting together puzzles and copying complex shapes.Quantitative reasoning involves the capacity to solve problems that involve numbers.Knowledge involves a persons understanding of a wide range of topics.Fluid reasoning involves the ability to think flexibly and solve problems.Working memory involves the use of short-term memory such as being able to repeat a list of items. Challenges to the Concept of General Intelligence The notion that intelligence could be measured and summarized by a single number on an IQ test was controversial during Spearmans time and has remained so over the decades since. Some psychologists, including L.L. Thurstone, challenged the concept of a g-factor. Thurstone instead identified a number of what he referred to as primary mental abilities. More recently, psychologists such as Howard Gardner have challenged the notion that a single general intelligence can accurately capture all of human mental ability. Gardner instead proposed that different multiple intelligences exist. Each intelligence represents abilities in a certain domain such as visual-spatial intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence, and logical-mathematical intelligence. Research today points to an underlying mental ability that contributes to performance on many cognitive tasks. IQ scores, which are designed to measure this general intelligence, are also thought to influence an individuals overall success in life. However, while IQ can play a role in academic and life success, other factors such as childhood experiences, educational experiences, socioeconomic status, motivation, maturity, and personality also play a critical role in determining overall success.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Willys Obsession with the American Dream in Death of a...

In Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman we see the negative effect of having an absent parent. The main character Willy Loman is a salesman who constantly struggles with trying to be what he considers â€Å"successful,† and â€Å"well liked.† He has two sons Biff and Happy and is married to Linda. Willy also struggles between illusion and reality; he has trouble defining and distinguishing the past from the present. Between his financial struggles and not feeling like he accomplished anything, he commits suicide. Throughout Willy’s life he was constantly abandoned, by both his father and his brother at very young age. Since Willy has no reference to look up to, he is somewhat left to figure things out on his own. In Willy’s mind, everything he†¦show more content†¦He describes him as â€Å"the only man I ever met who knew the answers,† â€Å"a genius,† and a â€Å"success incarnate!† (1600)(1598).Again we see Ben as thi s rich, adventurous man, who Willy idolizes. Ben offered Willy a chance to go with him to Alaska but Willy chose not to. Throughout the play you can tell that Willy regrets not going with his brother. He asks himself â€Å"why didn’t I go to Alaska with my brother Ben that time...what a mistake! He begged me to go† (1598). When Ben comes to visit, or when he’s visiting in one of Willy’s illusions, Willy tells him â€Å"[y]our just what I need,† and he asks him â€Å"what is the answer?†(1604). Willy also has strong feelings toward appearances. He even goes so far as to tell his kids â€Å"That’s why I thank Almighty God you’re both built like Adonises. Because the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want† (1594). Even Willy’s views of himself are romanticized; he thinks he is essential to his job, even though we soon find out that he isn’t. He goes on and on to his sons about how much people like him, and how he has so many friends and so much respect everywhere he goes. We also learn that Willy’s morals are flawed due to his absent father. Willy never got the chance to learn what a dad really is. There are several instances that show this. The first one is when he tells BiffShow MoreRelatedDeath of a Salesman Directors Vision1128 Words   |  5 Pageswrite to you to propose the production of Arthur Miller’s classic â€Å"Death of a Salesman.† As the title suggests, the book is about the death of a salesman named Willy Loman. However, through my production, it is not the inevitable ending that will be remembered by the audience. It will be the processes that led to Willy’s conflicted mind that will resonate in the audience’s mind. The underlying values of blind faith in the American dream and the narrow-minded definition of success, which are exemplifiedRead MoreLife of Pi1276 Words   |  6 Pagesclose reference to Death of a Salesman and American Beauty. Ideas and qualities of acceptable standards that is considered worthwhile in society, pressures the relationship between an individual and his or her society due to the risk of social rejection. By accepting these social norms the individual is forced into the pursuit of the American Dream of that context whilst the rejection of the American Dream also leads to social rejection. Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman looks at the notionRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1015 Words   |  5 PagesThe American dream is strongly associated with the identity of America and everything our country stands for: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In â€Å"Death of a Salesman† by Arthur Miller, the protagonist Willy Loman believes a person will be happy once they obtain success by living the American dream; if you are unable to achieve this goal then you are a failure. The play is divided into two categories: successes and failures. The image of the America n Dream depicted in society influencesRead MoreEssay on The Failure of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman1480 Words   |  6 Pagesthat thinking comes the American Dream, the idea that anyone can ultimately achieve success, even if he or she began with nothing.  In The Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller uses the characterization of Willy Loman to represent the failure of his ideal of the American Dream.  Willy’s quest for the American Dream leads to his failure because throughout his life he pursues the illusion of the American Dream and not the reality of it. His mindset on perfection, obsession with success, and his constantRead MoreThe American Dream and Death of a Salesman Essay937 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Dream is one of the most sought-after things in the United States, even though it is rarely, if ever, achieved. According to historian Matthew Warshauer, the vision of the American Dream has changed dramatically over time. In his 2003 essay  "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Changing Conceptions of the American Dream†, Warshauer claims that the American Dream had gone from becoming wealthy by working hard and earning money, to getting rich quickly and easily. He attributes this change toRead MoreAuthor Miller’s Death Of A Salesman: A Family’s Misguided Attempt At The American Dream 707 Words   |  3 Pages Death of a salesman is a two-act play set in the late 1940s. The death of a salesman is a tragic story of one family’s failed attempt to live the American dream. Majority of the action in the play takes place in the Loman’s home and yard. The Loman family consists of Wily, Linda and their two sons Biff and Happy. Overall I consider Death of A Salesman a fascinating Play. To begin with I found my self-having difficulty reading the play. I immediately began writing off the play as another story ofRead More Failure of the America Dream in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman1097 Words   |  5 PagesFailure of the America Dream in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman examines Willy Lowman’s struggle to hold on to his American Dream that is quickly slipping from his grasp. As Americans, we are all partners in the â€Å"dream† and Willy’s failure causes each of us anxiety since most of us can readily identify with Willy. Most Americans can readily identify with Willy. As children, our minds are filled with a â€Å"marketing orientation† as soon as weRead MoreArthur Miller ´s Death of A Salesman: A Commentary1170 Words   |  5 Pages All My Sons achieved success on Broadway, and earned him his first Tony Award for best author. Working in the small studio that Miller built in Roxbury, Connecticut, he wrote the first act of Death of Salesman. It opened on February 10, 1949 at the Morosco Theatre. Everyone loved it. Death of a Salesman won him: the Pulitzer Prize, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, and the triple crown of theatrical artistry and a Tony. In 1956, Miller left his first wife, Mary Slattery. Soon after, heRead More Death of a Salesman Structure Metaphoric Language and Theme1542 Words   |  7 PagesDeath of a Salesman Structure Metaphoric Language and Theme In looking at the characteristics of the tragic hero, it can be see that Willy Loman is not a tragic hero but a victim of a false idealistic pursuit of the â€Å"American Dream†. Willy strives to become and instill in his sons the success of the self made man that American society often advertises but ultimately falls short, and instead, escapes accepting his failure through lies and death. What many flaws Willy possesses, most do notRead MoreThe Myth of the American Dream Exposed in Death of a Salesman1218 Words   |  5 Pages Millers work on â€Å"Death of a Salesman† is an example piece of work furthering the social protest involving totalitarianism and the American Dream. Throughout the piece, Miller uses his voice of conscience and passion for the purpose of exposing the truth about the concepts. Using the perspective of Willy, a fictional, working class citizen, Miller picks apart the myth of the American Dream, exploring topics such as abandonment, bet rayal, family dynamics, and using interesting symbolism along

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Employee Welfare Free Essays

string(175) " how many disputes and unrest occurred in the past years, the settlement procedures followed to solve grievences and how negotiation on various terms and condition were made\." 1. 1 WHAT IS WELFARE Welfare  is the provision of a minimal level of  well-being  and social support  for all citizens, sometimes referred to as  public aid. In most developed countries, welfare is largely provided by the government, in addition to  charities, informal social groups, religious groups, and inter-governmental organizations. We will write a custom essay sample on Employee Welfare or any similar topic only for you Order Now The work place should provide reasonable amenities for its good working. The betterment of workers conditions must produce more from the employer down rather than the forced up by demand from below. It is also important because the labour is contented. Well housed, well fed, well looked after it is not only an asset to the labour in the country. Therefore welfare is also fundamentally in the interest of the large society as the health, happiness and efficieny of each individual contributes the general well being of all. The concept of welfare is dynamic in nature and vary from country to country and from time to time and even in the same country depending up on the value system , social institutions, degree of industrialization and general level social and economic development. According to Frederic Engels, â€Å" labour is the source of all wealth it is next to nature , which supplies with the materials that it converts in to wealth but it is even definitely more than this†. 1. 2 EMPLOYEE WELFARE Employee welfare work aims at providing such service facilities and amenities to the workers employed in factories and industries healthy, congenial surroundings conductive to good health and high moral. The aim or objectives of welfare activities is partly humanistic to enable the workers to enjoy a fuller and richer life. The relevant and necessity of welfare work in India ,can be easily realized if one observe pitiable working condition of workers in the country. Stable and effective labour force cannot be build up with an improvement in the condition of life and work in the industrial centre. The development of community and society depends on the development of labour . The importance of labour welfare is beyond the stage is debate and is recognized on as integrate part of industrial tradition in all industrially advances countries. Labour is the vital part of business part of organizationand management , and now a day attach more importance to human angel . Increases the productivity , as well as productive efficiently of the workers and induce in them new spirit self realization . The importance of welfare measures was accept was early as 1931, when the labour commission on labour stated that, the benefits which go under thus nomenclature of great importance workers of which he is unable to secure by himself. Labour welfare is one of the major determinants of industrial relation. Encyclopedia of social sciences defines welfare workers as â€Å"voluntary efforts of the employer to establish with in existing industrial system , working and sometime living and cultural condition of the employers beyond what is required by law. The welfare of labouring classes must be one of the first carriers of every employee. The betterment of workers condition must preceed more from the employees. The work space should provide with reasonable amenities for his essential needs. The concept of welfare and dynamic in nature and vary from country and from time to time and even in the same country depending up on is value system , social institutions, degree of industrialization and general level of social and economic development. Welfare activities are partly humanitarian partly economic and partly civil. It is humanitarian as its aim is providing certain facilities and amenities of life to the workers which they themselves cannot provide; it promotes a sense of responsibility and dignity among workers and to make them better citizen. According to Frederic Engles, â€Å"labour is the source of all wealth; it is next to nature , which supplies its material that convert in to wealth . But it is even definitely more than this. † 1. 3 WELFARE AS CONCEPTS Indian national congress in its karachi resolution stated that the self guard in the interest of the industrial workers and shall secure then by suitable legislation , by the living wage. Healthy working condition and limited hours of work, suitable machinery for settlement of disputes between employees and workmen and protest against old age sickness and unemployment . Anything done for intellectual , physical and moral and economic betterment of the workers , whether by employers, by the govt. or by the other agencies over and above what is laid down by the laws of the land, is labour welfare. International organization report refers with regard to labour welfare as â€Å"such service facilities and amenities which may be established in or in the vicinity of undertaking to enable the persons employed in perform their working healthy, congenial surroundings and provided with amenities conductive to good health and high moral. 1. 4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY * It helps to improve recruitment. As the job becomes more attractive, more efficient employees can be recruited. * Employee welfare improves the morale and loyalty of workers by making them happy and satisfied. * It reduces labor turnover and absenteeism thereby building a stable workforce. * It helps to increase employee productivity or efficiency by improving their physical and mental health. 1. 5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Employee welfare is vital for the survival of any industry. The machines and materials in an industry could be operated only by human beings, and when there is a group of people there are chances of conflicts and should be resolved at the earliest . If welfare measures are not provided , they become lazy. Therefore it is important to provide good welfare measures to the employees . So the study on the employee welfare in the company is very important. 1. 6 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The study was conducted to analyze the labour welfare in the safe care . The relationship existing between the management of the company and their workers were studied . The study aimed to find out whether the workers were satisfied with the welfare facilities provided to them, how many disputes and unrest occurred in the past years, the settlement procedures followed to solve grievences and how negotiation on various terms and condition were made. You read "Employee Welfare" in category "Essay examples" 1. 7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY * Only 40 respondents were selected for the study due to time constraints. * The duration of the time for the study was limited and hence elaborate and imprehensive project survey was not undertaken. * The findings were drawn based on the feed back received through the questionnaires. Interaction with the company professionals was limited, due to their busy schedule. * Information obtained is depended on satisfaction level of the respondent. The reliability of the result of the study depends on the reliability of the answers of the respondents were reluctant to give information. 2. 1 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE World production an d consumption of rubber continued to increase in 2008. The ISRG (International Rubber Study Group) estimated that the production would breach the 20 million tonnes level to breach 20. 12 million tonnes of rubber were estimated to be consumed in 2007, of which 41. % was natural rubber. Latex market report gives a comprehensive introduction to both natural and synthetic polymer in one volume. This is a hot subject because of tremendous change in the market. These have increased from the increased use of disposable gloves in the medical industry. Latex products are being used excessively as alternatives to solvent based system such as adhesives, sealants and coatings, because of global legislation concerning the use of volatile flammable solvents. The range of application of latex is extensive. Polymer Lattices are used in paints and coatings ,textiles ,non-wovens packing, construction (mainly in adhesives and binders), furniture, packing, paper, medical equipments,personnel equipment ,carpet, backing,adhesives, polish,belts. The global annual consumption of natural rubber latex is running at just over 7 million tonnes. Natural rubber is particularly widely used in medical gloves and condom applications. Gloves are by far the largest market sector, consuming around 60%by weight . This is a very competetive market and much of the production industry has being moved to Asia to reduce costs. WORLD RUBBER PRODUCTION In 1991 Thailand replaced Malaysia as the top producer and exporter of natural rubber products. This has been the result of re-planning program. A majority of Thailand rubber plantations are located in southern part of the country. Thailand leads the rubber producing countries in research and development of natural rubber. This makes Thai natural rubber the most dependable and consistent. A majority of rubber products are exported in their raw from such as technically specified rubbers: STR ,Skim Block,ADS ,Crape and concentrate Latex . Exports account for 90% of natural rubber production . The remaining 10% is utilised domestically, 55% of this amount is processes as value added goods . Major manufactured rubber are tyres and inner rubber tubes for automotives. 2. 2 COMPANY PROFILE 2. 2. 1 About the organization Safe Care Rubber Products Pvt. Ltd started its production during the year 2006. It is situated in Cochin Special Economic Zone, Kochi. The products manufactured in this company are pre-powdered and powdered free latex, examination and surgical gloves. It is registered under the factory’s act. The company’s investment in land and building is 50 lakhs and plant and machinery is 114 lakhs. The annual turnover of the company in the year 2007-08 is Rs. 460 lakhs. The raw materials and equipments used are latex,sulphur,PHT, power free chlorination machine, tensile tester ,air nozzles, physical dimension testing equipments. Its product is exported to Europe ,African countries , Latin America. Safe care subscribes to a philosophy â€Å"Quest for Excellence† which ensures that its customer received not only good quality product but also excellent service. Safe care believes in cost effectiveness through effective operation ,timely deliveries and prompt corresspondence . 00% customer satisfaction is their primary motto. The â€Å"Quest for Excellence† has earned the prestigious ISO 9001:2000 certificate from TUV suddeutschland ,Germany and regitration of factory with US FDA -510K. The sterile and non-sterile products are CE certified. Indian Rubber Board has examined the gloves and confirmed that surgical and examination gloves meet ASTM D 357 and D 3575 , EN 45 5 standards. 2. 2. 2 OBJECTIVES OF SAFECARE RUBBER PRODUCTS PVT. LTD * To become a leading player through providing rubber products mainly gloves through out the world market. * To maximise the return on investment. To achieve the international levels of excellence in quality. * To engage in a wide span of business activity through socially accepted way. 2. 2. 3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Safe care rubber products pvt. ltd has a simple organizational structure with two directors Sri. Anil Kumar and Sri. Joseph at the top level management. The directors are jointly responsible for the decisions and all the decisions are taken together . The director of administration is in charge of all the overall operations and publications. The day to day operations and controls are carried out under his supervision . The other director is in charge of the production and function of the firm. In the middle level management they have two managers Sri. Sukumaran and Smt. Kavitha Anilkumar one in charge of the administration and other is the production manager or the foreman. The manager of administration is in charge of overall administration of the production , purchases, human resources and a link between the lower level and the top level management. The foreman is in charge of overall production and the production line. Both of them report to the top management directly. The lower level management is filled up by the office Staff and head of laboratory and inspection and supervisors . They all report to the managers of administration who acts as the link for them with the top management. 2. 2. 4 VARIETIES OF RUBBER The varieties of rubber are : Natural Latex: This is a white fluid obtained from the rubber tree. It contains small particles of rubber dispersed in an aqueous medium. The aqueous medium also contains plant proteins which are thought to be responsible for triggering of allergy. Natural Rubber : This include all material made from containing Latex. Natural rubber is made by two processes, the natural rubber latex process (NRL) and dry natural rubber process (DNR). DNR Process This involves compressing the rubber at a high temperature and pressure. The plant protein responsible for allergy are denatured at these temperature , and pressure and therefore pose a lower risk than rubber made by NRL process. NRL process This involves the use of natural latex in a concentrated colloidal suspension. This type of latex contains a much greater proportion of plant proteins than latex produced by the DNR process. Most immediate type reaction results from exposure to NRL products. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it, the researcher explains the various steps that are generally adopted in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. PURPOSE OF STUDY The study was conducted to analyze the labour welfare in the safe care . The relationship existing between the management of the company and their workers were studied . The study aimed to find out whether the workers were satisfied with the welfare facilities provided to them, how many disputes and unrest occurred in the past years, the settlement procedures followed to solve grievances and how negotiation on various terms and condition were made. SCOPE OF STUDY Employee welfare is vital for the survival of any industry. The machines and materials in an industry could be operated only by human beings, and when there is a group of people there are chances of conflicts and should be resolved at the earliest . If welfare measures are not provided , they become lazy. Therefore it is important to provide good welfare measures to the employees . So the study on the employee welfare in the company is very important. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is the agreement for the conditions and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevances to the research purpose with the economy in procedure . It is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitues that blue print for the collection , measurement and analysis of data. The research design here is exploratory research, the focus is on the discovery of ideas. An exploratory research is to generate new ideas,respondents should be given sufficient freedom to express themselves. PILOT STUDY Interview with worker and manager revealed their feelings towards the plans and policies of the company . This was a source about the employee welfare existing in the company could be observed. The personal options of the workers were collected using interview and schedule and the options of the managers were collected using structured questionnaire. UNIVERSE OF THE STUDY The universe of the study was the total employees and workers of the SAFE CARE. SAMPLE STUDY A sample technique used is convenience sampling. The samples were selected on the basis of both the investigator and the employees. DATA COLLECTION Data collected were as follows: * Welfare facilities offered to the workers. * Safety measures in the factory. * Relationship between workers and management and trade unions. * Promotions and transfers. * Effectiveness of the activities of the trade unions. * Trading and developing needs of the workers. WELFARE The rational system model merger welfare with earning where emphasize is made on the initiative and the efforts of the individual . Welfare is viewed more in economic terms. If he produces more , he gets more . The only thing the organization provided is to facilitate environment , in terms of water , sanitation , adequate light and ventilation . Hence welfare is concerned with working conditions and in this respect the working environment. The social system model promoter is a system of welfare where the emphasize is on organizational initiatives . Since a worker is striving to satisfy needs other than economic, is the working environment. Personnel enough or people oriented enough to provide opportunities for satisfying them. Organization make efforts towards workers participations, job enrichment and rotation to provide meaning , variety and interest in their jobs, and hence the place of work. This attempt is concerned with the actual ‘nuts and bolts’ of the job and is related to its content. WHY WELFARE In India , welfare is of the statutory and non-statutory kinds. Though statutory welfare a bare maximum of facilities and reasonably good working conditions , employer are free to provide , or not to provide non statutory measures in varying degrees. From the view point of workers, welfare measures must eliminate risk and insecurity . This is to ensure their personal safety and provide them with the equipment and atmosphere needed to draw affaire days wage without any feeling of guilt. Given the workers economic constraints , probably due to large families , organizations should provide facilities such as , transport , medical aid, creches, and subsidized food required by the workers. SOCIAL WELFARE Social welfare is being defined as those formally organized and socially sponsored institutions , agencies and programs which function to maintain or improve the economic conditions , health or interpersonnel competence of some parts or all of a population. It means helping individuals or group in developing and utilizing their full capabilities so that they are in harmony with the needs of their families and communities. As these goals may not always be realized by individuals through their efforts alone the state comes in to the picture and gradually begins to take over the responsibility for the free and full development of human personality . In short , social welfare aims at the well being of people and help to ameliorate human life –cultural , economic ,social and psychological. PRINCIPLES OF LABOUR WELFARE Employee welfare is not a substitute for low wages and other allowances nor can it be used as an argument against the earnings of workers . A failure to understand this basic principle will only make labour welfare measures un popular. * The cardinal principle of employee welfare program is to ensure that it serves the real needs of workers concerned. Special classes of workers require special types of welfare services , proper assessment of needs of workers and determination of priorities, there of must be done. * Workers should be asked to participate in the formulation and administration of welfare programs. This is necessary because the programs are meant for them and their participation ensures that the welfare measures correspond to their needs. It also removes the suspiciousness of workers and the stigma of paternalism. * Workers should be free to use or not to use the facilities and amenities provide. OBJECTIVES OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE The primary objective of the study is employee welfare measures in SAFECARE RUBBER PRODUCTS PVT. LTD. , COCHIN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE, KAKKANAD, COCHIN . SECONDARY OBJECTIVES * To study the level of awareness of employees on them various welfare provided by the SAFECARE. To analyze the level of satisfaction of employees with regard to welfare measure provide by the SAFECARE. * To ascertain the needs and expectations of the employees towards the various schemes offered by the SAFECARE. * To suggest improvement any of existing welfare schemes grow SAFECARE. * To analyze the work environment of the employees. * To develop the work environment of the employees . * To develop efficiency and productivity among workers. * To make recruitment more effectively. * To earn goodwill and enhance public image. The present chapter will explain in detail the major inferences generated out of the information collected from respondents and other data sources. OPINION ABOUT THE WORKING SCHEDULE OF THE ORGANIZATION TABLE : 1 SL. NO| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 23| 57. 5%| 2| Partially satisfied| 7| 17. 5%| 3| Not satisfied| 10| 25%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION 57. 5 % of the workers said that they are highly satisfied with the working schedule of the organization, and 17. 5 % said that they are partially satisfied with the existing working schedule, and 25% are not satisfied with the working schedule. Majority of the workers are satisfied with the working schedule. WORKERS OPINION ABOUT THE MEDICAL AND FIRST AID FACILITIES TABLE : 2 SL. NO| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 19| 47. 5%| 2| Partially satisfied| 10| 25%| 3| Not satisfied| 11| 27. 5%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION 47. 5% of the workers are highly satisfied with the medical and first aid facilities of the organization. 25% of the workers are partially satisfied with the medical and first aid facility. 11% of the workers are not satisfied with the medical and first aid facility. From the above table it is clear that the majority of the employees are satisfied . OPINION ABOUT THE PRESENT WAGE SCALE Table :3 SL. NO| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Good| 10| 25%| 2| Satisfactory| 15| 37. 5%| 3| Poor| 25| 62. 5%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The above diagram shows that only 25% of the employees are satisfied with the wage scale , and 37. 5% of the employees are satisfied with the wage scale given to them. But majority of the employees said that the wage scale of the organization are poor. OPINION ABOUT HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY Table :4 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 15| 37. 5%| 2| Partially satisfied| 10| 25%| 3| Not satisfied| 25| 62. 5%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION Here 37. 5% of the employees are highly satisfied with the safety measures taken by the organization. 25% of the employees are just partially satisfied with the safety measures. And 62. 5% of the employees are not satisfied with the measures taken for safety. Majority of the workers are not satisfied with it. OPINION ABOUT REST ROOM FACILITIES PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY TABLE :5 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Provided| 30| 75%| 2| Not provided| 10| 25%| Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The above table shows the details about the rest room. 75% of the employees said that the company provided them a good rest room. But 25% of the employees are of the opinion that the rest room provided by the company is not well. OPINION ABOUT THE SATISFACTION LEVEL OF INCENTIVES AND OTHER BENEFITS PROVIDED Table : 6 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 18| 45%| 2| Partially satisfied| 10| 25%| 3| Not satisfied| 12| 30%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION In the above table 45% of the employees are highly satisfied with the incentives provided by the organization. 5% of the workers are partially satisfied with the incentives provided by the organization. And 30 % are not satisfied with this. Majority of the workers are highly satisfied with the incentives provided by the company. WORKERS OPINION ABOUT THE OVER TIME ALLOWANCES PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY Table : 7 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 8| 20%| 2| Partially satisfied| 20| 50%| 3| Not satisfied| 12| 30%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The over time allowance provided by the company is mostly partially satisfied. 20% of the employees are highly satisfied with it. But 50% of the workers are of the opinion that they are partially satisfied with the over time allowance. And 30 % of the workers are not satisfied with the over time allowances . OPINION ABOUT THE GRIEVANCE CELL PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY TABLE: 8 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Provided| 29| 72. 5%| 2| Not provided| 11| 27. 5%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The above table says the opinion about the grievance cell . 72. 5% of the employees are of the opinion that the company is provided them a good grievance cell. 27. 5% of the employees says that the company is not provided them a good grievance cell. But majority is of the opinion that the grievance cell provided is good. HOW IS THE INTER DEPARTMENTAL RELATIONSHIP IN THIS ORGANIZATION Table : 9 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Very good| 20| 50%| 2| Good| 8| 20%| 3| Average| 12| 30%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The inter departmental relationship in the organization are very good ,50% the workers said that the relationship is very good. 20% of the workers said that the inter departmental relationship is good. But 30% of the employees are of the opinion that the relationship is average. DO YOU LIKE TEAM WORK OR INDIVIDUAL WORK Table :10 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Team work| 27| 67. 5%| 2| Individual work| 3| 7. 5%| 3| Both| 10| 25%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION 67. 5% of workers like team works. Only 7. 5% of the workers like individual work. And 25% of the workers are interested to work both as individual and team work. But majority workers like team work. . FINDINGS * Age wise distribution reveals that majority of the labourers are in the age group of 20-25 * It was found that the company has both male and female workers equally. * Maximum number of labourers are satisfied with the work schedule. Majority of the workers are of the opinion that they are satisfied with the medical and first aid facility. * It was found that majority of the respondents are not satisfied with the present wage scale. * Majority of the labourers are not satisfied with the health and safety measures provided by the company. * Majority of the workers are of the opinion that they are provided with good rest room facility. * It was found that majority of the labourers are satisfied with the incentives and other benefits offered to them. * Most of them are partially satisfied about overtime allowance given by the company. SUGGESTIONS Overtime allowance should be made more attractive to attract new younger talent into organization. * Since the laboures seem to prefer team work , if the work could be made more team oriented , it increases the motivation level of labourers and thus the productivity can be increased. * Canteen facility does not provide the North Indian labourers needs in satisfactory manner. So the organization should include North Indian dishes in the menu. * More awareness programs regarding the quality of work life should be conducted. * Quality circle should be established to improve the productivity and standard of work life of labourers. Better transportation facility should be made available to the employees. * Maintain good relationship between management autho rities and employees. * Periodical health testing for employees should be conducted. CONCLUSION The study is conducted among the labourers of Safe care Rubber Products Pvt. Ltd. to study various welfare activities conducted at the company . From the study it has been understood that some workers are satisfied with some factors like wage offered , incentives provided ,medical and first aid facilities provided etc. The company needs to improve on various other factors that include the canteen facility, awareness programs regarding quality of work life in order to ensure that there is satisfaction among the labourers regarding the welfare scheme offered. From the study, it was found that the employees are generally satisfied with their welfare measures . The recreational facilities provided by the company are very satisfactory. There is a well managed grievance procedure in the organization . The working of employees union is satisfactory. In short, welfare facility together contribute to better work thus making employees happy and cheerful looking. How to cite Employee Welfare, Essay examples Employee Welfare Free Essays string(175) " how many disputes and unrest occurred in the past years, the settlement procedures followed to solve grievences and how negotiation on various terms and condition were made\." 1. 1 WHAT IS WELFARE Welfare  is the provision of a minimal level of  well-being  and social support  for all citizens, sometimes referred to as  public aid. In most developed countries, welfare is largely provided by the government, in addition to  charities, informal social groups, religious groups, and inter-governmental organizations. We will write a custom essay sample on Employee Welfare or any similar topic only for you Order Now The work place should provide reasonable amenities for its good working. The betterment of workers conditions must produce more from the employer down rather than the forced up by demand from below. It is also important because the labour is contented. Well housed, well fed, well looked after it is not only an asset to the labour in the country. Therefore welfare is also fundamentally in the interest of the large society as the health, happiness and efficieny of each individual contributes the general well being of all. The concept of welfare is dynamic in nature and vary from country to country and from time to time and even in the same country depending up on the value system , social institutions, degree of industrialization and general level social and economic development. According to Frederic Engels, â€Å" labour is the source of all wealth it is next to nature , which supplies with the materials that it converts in to wealth but it is even definitely more than this†. 1. 2 EMPLOYEE WELFARE Employee welfare work aims at providing such service facilities and amenities to the workers employed in factories and industries healthy, congenial surroundings conductive to good health and high moral. The aim or objectives of welfare activities is partly humanistic to enable the workers to enjoy a fuller and richer life. The relevant and necessity of welfare work in India ,can be easily realized if one observe pitiable working condition of workers in the country. Stable and effective labour force cannot be build up with an improvement in the condition of life and work in the industrial centre. The development of community and society depends on the development of labour . The importance of labour welfare is beyond the stage is debate and is recognized on as integrate part of industrial tradition in all industrially advances countries. Labour is the vital part of business part of organizationand management , and now a day attach more importance to human angel . Increases the productivity , as well as productive efficiently of the workers and induce in them new spirit self realization . The importance of welfare measures was accept was early as 1931, when the labour commission on labour stated that, the benefits which go under thus nomenclature of great importance workers of which he is unable to secure by himself. Labour welfare is one of the major determinants of industrial relation. Encyclopedia of social sciences defines welfare workers as â€Å"voluntary efforts of the employer to establish with in existing industrial system , working and sometime living and cultural condition of the employers beyond what is required by law. The welfare of labouring classes must be one of the first carriers of every employee. The betterment of workers condition must preceed more from the employees. The work space should provide with reasonable amenities for his essential needs. The concept of welfare and dynamic in nature and vary from country and from time to time and even in the same country depending up on is value system , social institutions, degree of industrialization and general level of social and economic development. Welfare activities are partly humanitarian partly economic and partly civil. It is humanitarian as its aim is providing certain facilities and amenities of life to the workers which they themselves cannot provide; it promotes a sense of responsibility and dignity among workers and to make them better citizen. According to Frederic Engles, â€Å"labour is the source of all wealth; it is next to nature , which supplies its material that convert in to wealth . But it is even definitely more than this. † 1. 3 WELFARE AS CONCEPTS Indian national congress in its karachi resolution stated that the self guard in the interest of the industrial workers and shall secure then by suitable legislation , by the living wage. Healthy working condition and limited hours of work, suitable machinery for settlement of disputes between employees and workmen and protest against old age sickness and unemployment . Anything done for intellectual , physical and moral and economic betterment of the workers , whether by employers, by the govt. or by the other agencies over and above what is laid down by the laws of the land, is labour welfare. International organization report refers with regard to labour welfare as â€Å"such service facilities and amenities which may be established in or in the vicinity of undertaking to enable the persons employed in perform their working healthy, congenial surroundings and provided with amenities conductive to good health and high moral. 1. 4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY * It helps to improve recruitment. As the job becomes more attractive, more efficient employees can be recruited. * Employee welfare improves the morale and loyalty of workers by making them happy and satisfied. * It reduces labor turnover and absenteeism thereby building a stable workforce. * It helps to increase employee productivity or efficiency by improving their physical and mental health. 1. 5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Employee welfare is vital for the survival of any industry. The machines and materials in an industry could be operated only by human beings, and when there is a group of people there are chances of conflicts and should be resolved at the earliest . If welfare measures are not provided , they become lazy. Therefore it is important to provide good welfare measures to the employees . So the study on the employee welfare in the company is very important. 1. 6 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The study was conducted to analyze the labour welfare in the safe care . The relationship existing between the management of the company and their workers were studied . The study aimed to find out whether the workers were satisfied with the welfare facilities provided to them, how many disputes and unrest occurred in the past years, the settlement procedures followed to solve grievences and how negotiation on various terms and condition were made. You read "Employee Welfare" in category "Papers" 1. 7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY * Only 40 respondents were selected for the study due to time constraints. * The duration of the time for the study was limited and hence elaborate and imprehensive project survey was not undertaken. * The findings were drawn based on the feed back received through the questionnaires. Interaction with the company professionals was limited, due to their busy schedule. * Information obtained is depended on satisfaction level of the respondent. The reliability of the result of the study depends on the reliability of the answers of the respondents were reluctant to give information. 2. 1 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE World production and consum ption of rubber continued to increase in 2008. The ISRG (International Rubber Study Group) estimated that the production would breach the 20 million tonnes level to breach 20. 12 million tonnes of rubber were estimated to be consumed in 2007, of which 41. % was natural rubber. Latex market report gives a comprehensive introduction to both natural and synthetic polymer in one volume. This is a hot subject because of tremendous change in the market. These have increased from the increased use of disposable gloves in the medical industry. Latex products are being used excessively as alternatives to solvent based system such as adhesives, sealants and coatings, because of global legislation concerning the use of volatile flammable solvents. The range of application of latex is extensive. Polymer Lattices are used in paints and coatings ,textiles ,non-wovens packing, construction (mainly in adhesives and binders), furniture, packing, paper, medical equipments,personnel equipment ,carpet, backing,adhesives, polish,belts. The global annual consumption of natural rubber latex is running at just over 7 million tonnes. Natural rubber is particularly widely used in medical gloves and condom applications. Gloves are by far the largest market sector, consuming around 60%by weight . This is a very competetive market and much of the production industry has being moved to Asia to reduce costs. WORLD RUBBER PRODUCTION In 1991 Thailand replaced Malaysia as the top producer and exporter of natural rubber products. This has been the result of re-planning program. A majority of Thailand rubber plantations are located in southern part of the country. Thailand leads the rubber producing countries in research and development of natural rubber. This makes Thai natural rubber the most dependable and consistent. A majority of rubber products are exported in their raw from such as technically specified rubbers: STR ,Skim Block,ADS ,Crape and concentrate Latex . Exports account for 90% of natural rubber production . The remaining 10% is utilised domestically, 55% of this amount is processes as value added goods . Major manufactured rubber are tyres and inner rubber tubes for automotives. 2. 2 COMPANY PROFILE 2. 2. 1 About the organization Safe Care Rubber Products Pvt. Ltd started its production during the year 2006. It is situated in Cochin Special Economic Zone, Kochi. The products manufactured in this company are pre-powdered and powdered free latex, examination and surgical gloves. It is registered under the factory’s act. The company’s investment in land and building is 50 lakhs and plant and machinery is 114 lakhs. The annual turnover of the company in the year 2007-08 is Rs. 460 lakhs. The raw materials and equipments used are latex,sulphur,PHT, power free chlorination machine, tensile tester ,air nozzles, physical dimension testing equipments. Its product is exported to Europe ,African countries , Latin America. Safe care subscribes to a philosophy â€Å"Quest for Excellence† which ensures that its customer received not only good quality product but also excellent service. Safe care believes in cost effectiveness through effective operation ,timely deliveries and prompt corresspondence . 00% customer satisfaction is their primary motto. The â€Å"Quest for Excellence† has earned the prestigious ISO 9001:2000 certificate from TUV suddeutschland ,Germany and regitration of factory with US FDA -510K. The sterile and non-sterile products are CE certified. Indian Rubber Board has examined the gloves and confirmed that surgical and examination gloves meet ASTM D 357 and D 3575 , EN 45 5 standards. 2. 2. 2 OBJECTIVES OF SAFECARE RUBBER PRODUCTS PVT. LTD * To become a leading player through providing rubber products mainly gloves through out the world market. * To maximise the return on investment. To achieve the international levels of excellence in quality. * To engage in a wide span of business activity through socially accepted way. 2. 2. 3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Safe care rubber products pvt. ltd has a simple organizational structure with two directors Sri. Anil Kumar and Sri. Joseph at the top level management. The directors are jointly responsible for the decisions and all the decisions are taken together . The director of administration is in charge of all the overall operations and publications. The day to day operations and controls are carried out under his supervision . The other director is in charge of the production and function of the firm. In the middle level management they have two managers Sri. Sukumaran and Smt. Kavitha Anilkumar one in charge of the administration and other is the production manager or the foreman. The manager of administration is in charge of overall administration of the production , purchases, human resources and a link between the lower level and the top level management. The foreman is in charge of overall production and the production line. Both of them report to the top management directly. The lower level management is filled up by the office Staff and head of laboratory and inspection and supervisors . They all report to the managers of administration who acts as the link for them with the top management. 2. 2. 4 VARIETIES OF RUBBER The varieties of rubber are : Natural Latex: This is a white fluid obtained from the rubber tree. It contains small particles of rubber dispersed in an aqueous medium. The aqueous medium also contains plant proteins which are thought to be responsible for triggering of allergy. Natural Rubber : This include all material made from containing Latex. Natural rubber is made by two processes, the natural rubber latex process (NRL) and dry natural rubber process (DNR). DNR Process This involves compressing the rubber at a high temperature and pressure. The plant protein responsible for allergy are denatured at these temperature , and pressure and therefore pose a lower risk than rubber made by NRL process. NRL process This involves the use of natural latex in a concentrated colloidal suspension. This type of latex contains a much greater proportion of plant proteins than latex produced by the DNR process. Most immediate type reaction results from exposure to NRL products. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it, the researcher explains the various steps that are generally adopted in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. PURPOSE OF STUDY The study was conducted to analyze the labour welfare in the safe care . The relationship existing between the management of the company and their workers were studied . The study aimed to find out whether the workers were satisfied with the welfare facilities provided to them, how many disputes and unrest occurred in the past years, the settlement procedures followed to solve grievances and how negotiation on various terms and condition were made. SCOPE OF STUDY Employee welfare is vital for the survival of any industry. The machines and materials in an industry could be operated only by human beings, and when there is a group of people there are chances of conflicts and should be resolved at the earliest . If welfare measures are not provided , they become lazy. Therefore it is important to provide good welfare measures to the employees . So the study on the employee welfare in the company is very important. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is the agreement for the conditions and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevances to the research purpose with the economy in procedure . It is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitues that blue print for the collection , measurement and analysis of data. The research design here is exploratory research, the focus is on the discovery of ideas. An exploratory research is to generate new ideas,respondents should be given sufficient freedom to express themselves. PILOT STUDY Interview with worker and manager revealed their feelings towards the plans and policies of the company . This was a source about the employee welfare existing in the company could be observed. The personal options of the workers were collected using interview and schedule and the options of the managers were collected using structured questionnaire. UNIVERSE OF THE STUDY The universe of the study was the total employees and workers of the SAFE CARE. SAMPLE STUDY A sample technique used is convenience sampling. The samples were selected on the basis of both the investigator and the employees. DATA COLLECTION Data collected were as follows: * Welfare facilities offered to the workers. * Safety measures in the factory. * Relationship between workers and management and trade unions. * Promotions and transfers. * Effectiveness of the activities of the trade unions. * Trading and developing needs of the workers. WELFARE The rational system model merger welfare with earning where emphasize is made on the initiative and the efforts of the individual . Welfare is viewed more in economic terms. If he produces more , he gets more . The only thing the organization provided is to facilitate environment , in terms of water , sanitation , adequate light and ventilation . Hence welfare is concerned with working conditions and in this respect the working environment. The social system model promoter is a system of welfare where the emphasize is on organizational initiatives . Since a worker is striving to satisfy needs other than economic, is the working environment. Personnel enough or people oriented enough to provide opportunities for satisfying them. Organization make efforts towards workers participations, job enrichment and rotation to provide meaning , variety and interest in their jobs, and hence the place of work. This attempt is concerned with the actual ‘nuts and bolts’ of the job and is related to its content. WHY WELFARE In India , welfare is of the statutory and non-statutory kinds. Though statutory welfare a bare maximum of facilities and reasonably good working conditions , employer are free to provide , or not to provide non statutory measures in varying degrees. From the view point of workers, welfare measures must eliminate risk and insecurity . This is to ensure their personal safety and provide them with the equipment and atmosphere needed to draw affaire days wage without any feeling of guilt. Given the workers economic constraints , probably due to large families , organizations should provide facilities such as , transport , medical aid, creches, and subsidized food required by the workers. SOCIAL WELFARE Social welfare is being defined as those formally organized and socially sponsored institutions , agencies and programs which function to maintain or improve the economic conditions , health or interpersonnel competence of some parts or all of a population. It means helping individuals or group in developing and utilizing their full capabilities so that they are in harmony with the needs of their families and communities. As these goals may not always be realized by individuals through their efforts alone the state comes in to the picture and gradually begins to take over the responsibility for the free and full development of human personality . In short , social welfare aims at the well being of people and help to ameliorate human life –cultural , economic ,social and psychological. PRINCIPLES OF LABOUR WELFARE Employee welfare is not a substitute for low wages and other allowances nor can it be used as an argument against the earnings of workers . A failure to understand this basic principle will only make labour welfare measures un popular. * The cardinal principle of employee welfare program is to ensure that it serves the real needs of workers concerned. Special classes of workers require special types of welfare services , proper assessment of needs of workers and determination of priorities, there of must be done. * Workers should be asked to participate in the formulation and administration of welfare programs. This is necessary because the programs are meant for them and their participation ensures that the welfare measures correspond to their needs. It also removes the suspiciousness of workers and the stigma of paternalism. * Workers should be free to use or not to use the facilities and amenities provide. OBJECTIVES OF EMPLOYEE WELFARE The primary objective of the study is employee welfare measures in SAFECARE RUBBER PRODUCTS PVT. LTD. , COCHIN SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE, KAKKANAD, COCHIN . SECONDARY OBJECTIVES * To study the level of awareness of employees on them various welfare provided by the SAFECARE. To analyze the level of satisfaction of employees with regard to welfare measure provide by the SAFECARE. * To ascertain the needs and expectations of the employees towards the various schemes offered by the SAFECARE. * To suggest improvement any of existing welfare schemes grow SAFECARE. * To analyze the work environment of the employees. * To develop the work environment of the employees . * To develop efficiency and productivity among workers. * To make recruitment more effectively. * To earn goodwill and enhance public image. The present chapter will explain in detail the major inferences generated out of the information collected from respondents and other data sources. OPINION ABOUT THE WORKING SCHEDULE OF THE ORGANIZATION TABLE : 1 SL. NO| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 23| 57. 5%| 2| Partially satisfied| 7| 17. 5%| 3| Not satisfied| 10| 25%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION 57. 5 % of the workers said that they are highly satisfied with the working schedule of the organization, and 17. 5 % said that they are partially satisfied with the existing working schedule, and 25% are not satisfied with the working schedule. Majority of the workers are satisfied with the working schedule. WORKERS OPINION ABOUT THE MEDICAL AND FIRST AID FACILITIES TABLE : 2 SL. NO| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 19| 47. 5%| 2| Partially satisfied| 10| 25%| 3| Not satisfied| 11| 27. 5%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION 47. 5% of the workers are highly satisfied with the medical and first aid facilities of the organization. 25% of the workers are partially satisfied with the medical and first aid facility. 11% of the workers are not satisfied with the medical and first aid facility. From the above table it is clear that the majority of the employees are satisfied . OPINION ABOUT THE PRESENT WAGE SCALE Table :3 SL. NO| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Good| 10| 25%| 2| Satisfactory| 15| 37. 5%| 3| Poor| 25| 62. 5%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The above diagram shows that only 25% of the employees are satisfied with the wage scale , and 37. 5% of the employees are satisfied with the wage scale given to them. But majority of the employees said that the wage scale of the organization are poor. OPINION ABOUT HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY Table :4 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 15| 37. 5%| 2| Partially satisfied| 10| 25%| 3| Not satisfied| 25| 62. 5%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION Here 37. 5% of the employees are highly satisfied with the safety measures taken by the organization. 25% of the employees are just partially satisfied with the safety measures. And 62. 5% of the employees are not satisfied with the measures taken for safety. Majority of the workers are not satisfied with it. OPINION ABOUT REST ROOM FACILITIES PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY TABLE :5 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Provided| 30| 75%| 2| Not provided| 10| 25%| Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The above table shows the details about the rest room. 75% of the employees said that the company provided them a good rest room. But 25% of the employees are of the opinion that the rest room provided by the company is not well. OPINION ABOUT THE SATISFACTION LEVEL OF INCENTIVES AND OTHER BENEFITS PROVIDED Table : 6 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 18| 45%| 2| Partially satisfied| 10| 25%| 3| Not satisfied| 12| 30%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION In the above table 45% of the employees are highly satisfied with the incentives provided by the organization. 5% of the workers are partially satisfied with the incentives provided by the organization. And 30 % are not satisfied with this. Majority of the workers are highly satisfied with the incentives provided by the company. WORKERS OPINION ABOUT THE OVER TIME ALLOWANCES PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY Table : 7 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Highly satisfied| 8| 20%| 2| Partially satisfied| 20| 50%| 3| Not satisfied| 12| 30%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The over time allowance provided by the company is mostly partially satisfied. 20% of the employees are highly satisfied with it. But 50% of the workers are of the opinion that they are partially satisfied with the over time allowance. And 30 % of the workers are not satisfied with the over time allowances . OPINION ABOUT THE GRIEVANCE CELL PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY TABLE: 8 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Provided| 29| 72. 5%| 2| Not provided| 11| 27. 5%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The above table says the opinion about the grievance cell . 72. 5% of the employees are of the opinion that the company is provided them a good grievance cell. 27. 5% of the employees says that the company is not provided them a good grievance cell. But majority is of the opinion that the grievance cell provided is good. HOW IS THE INTER DEPARTMENTAL RELATIONSHIP IN THIS ORGANIZATION Table : 9 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Very good| 20| 50%| 2| Good| 8| 20%| 3| Average| 12| 30%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION The inter departmental relationship in the organization are very good ,50% the workers said that the relationship is very good. 20% of the workers said that the inter departmental relationship is good. But 30% of the employees are of the opinion that the relationship is average. DO YOU LIKE TEAM WORK OR INDIVIDUAL WORK Table :10 Sl. No| OPINION| NO. OF EMPLOYEES| PERCENTAGE| 1| Team work| 27| 67. 5%| 2| Individual work| 3| 7. 5%| 3| Both| 10| 25%| | Total| 40| 100%| INTERPRETATION 67. 5% of workers like team works. Only 7. 5% of the workers like individual work. And 25% of the workers are interested to work both as individual and team work. But majority workers like team work. . FINDINGS * Age wise distribution reveals that majority of the labourers are in the age group of 20-25 * It was found that the company has both male and female workers equally. * Maximum number of labourers are satisfied with the work schedule. Majority of the workers are of the opinion that they are satisfied with the medical and first aid facility. * It was found that majority of the respondents are not satisfied with the present wage scale. * Majority of the labourers are not satisfied with the health and safety measures provided by the company. * Majority of the workers are of the opinion that they are provided with good rest room facility. * It was found that majority of the labourers are satisfied with the incentives and other benefits offered to them. * Most of them are partially satisfied about overtime allowance given by the company. SUGGESTIONS Overtime allowance should be made more attractive to attract new younger talent into organization. * Since the laboures seem to prefer team work , if the work could be made more team oriented , it increases the motivation level of labourers and thus the productivity can be increased. * Canteen facility does not provide the North Indian labourers needs in satisfactory manner. So the organization should include North Indian dishes in the menu. * More awareness programs regarding the quality of work life should be conducted. * Quality circle should be established to improve the productivity and standard of work life of labourers. Better transportation facility should be made available to the employees. * Maintain good relationship between management autho rities and employees. * Periodical health testing for employees should be conducted. CONCLUSION The study is conducted among the labourers of Safe care Rubber Products Pvt. Ltd. to study various welfare activities conducted at the company . From the study it has been understood that some workers are satisfied with some factors like wage offered , incentives provided ,medical and first aid facilities provided etc. The company needs to improve on various other factors that include the canteen facility, awareness programs regarding quality of work life in order to ensure that there is satisfaction among the labourers regarding the welfare scheme offered. From the study, it was found that the employees are generally satisfied with their welfare measures . The recreational facilities provided by the company are very satisfactory. There is a well managed grievance procedure in the organization . The working of employees union is satisfactory. In short, welfare facility together contribute to better work thus making employees happy and cheerful looking. How to cite Employee Welfare, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Tuck’s Own Insider Guide To Its MBA Essays

Tuck School of Business These days just about every business school has a blog or two that regularly dispenses advice to MBA applicants. And, of course, there is no shortage of places you can go on the web to get perspectives on exactly how to respond to a specific essay question at a given school, whether it’s the blog of an admissions consultant or even PoetsQuants. But it’s rare when that advice is as clear and concise as the insider’s guide published recently by Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business which has long had a reputation as one of a handful of schools that really get to know the candidates who apply there. As the admission folks at Tuck put it, â€Å"Within days of publishing these essays, there will inevitably be sources willing to help you analyze Tuck’s questions, as well as our thought process behind them. Instead of relying on second-hand advice, here’s all the guidance you need to write an excellent essay—straight from the admissions committee.† Here’s how Tuck is helping applicants do their best MBA application: 1) (Required) What are your short and long-term goals? Why is an MBA a critical next step toward achieving those goals? Why are you interested in Tuck specifically? (500 words) This question is as straightforward as it seems. Pursuing your MBA is a big commitment. There has got to be a good reason for this, right? We want to know that reason. What do you hope to be doing after graduating from an MBA program? How does your path thus far play into that? If the logical path isn’t clear, make sure you tell us why you’re making this transition. Also, we want details! You want to lead a company, make decisions, problem solve, help people? Great, but does that mean consulting or product management? Healthcare or technology? What companies interest you? What roles do MBAs play in those fields? Pulling out these details will not only make you a more competitive applicant, but will also give you a great foundation when presented with all your career possibilities. Business school is great for exploring different industries, roles, and companies, but without a plan it can be overwhelming. As for the final part of the question, every MBA program is different. What about Tuck specifically will help you get from where you are now to where you want to be in 3, 5, or 15 years? As an admissions committee, we have only 285 seats to fill every year. We want to make sure we’re offering this incredible opportunity to those who 1) understand why they’re in an MBA program to begin with, and 2) are excited about spending two transformative years at Tuck. What programs, classes, clubs, treks, or activities does Tuck offer that will help you achieve your personal and professional goals? It’s true that we like people who are enthusiastic about Tuck—we want students who will dive in, not blend in! However, that doesn’t mean that you should try to flatter your way in. There are many, many opportunities at Tuck—you owe it to yourself to do some research and figure out those that are truly most appealing to you. Other tips: If you can take Tuck’s name out of this essay and replace it with another school’s name and it still makes sense, then you need to go back and show you know what makes Tuck (and the other MBA programs you’re considering) unique. We don’t want a laundry list of classes, clubs, or qualities at Tuck. We know what Tuck has. We want to know that you understand why those things are meaningful to you. Be authentic, be straightforward, be specific, and tell a story that makes sense. 2) (Required) Tuck’s mission is to educate wise leaders to better the world of business. Wisdom encompasses the essential aptitudes of confident humility, about what one does and does not know; empathy, towards the diverse ideas and experiences of others; and judgment, about when and how to take risks for the better. With Tuck’s mission in mind, and with a focus on confident humility, tell us about a time you: received tough feedback, experienced failure, or disappointed yourself or others. How did you respond, and what did you learn about yourself as a result? (500 words) Life isn’t all successes; there are plenty of failures in there too. We are not trying to bring in a class of perfect people. We’re looking for people who are self-aware, growth minded, and humble, people who recognize those less-than-perfect moments or traits in themselves and then figure out where to go from there. That’s why we focus on confident humility. Tuck is small in size and big in collaboration. It’s not about being right, being the best, or winning. We don’t seek success at the expense of others. You won’t blend in or be anonymous. You will work with diverse people, with different ideas, perspectives, and experiences that shape them. In business school (and life!), you will be one smart and talented person among many smart and talented people. We love that our students listen and learn from each other in class and over dinner, that they lean on their study group mates in areas where they’re less strong, and that recruiters highlight how Tuckies stand out as being able to work well with just about everyone. We’re looking for honesty in this essay. This is not a trick question. We’ve all received tough feedback, failed, or disappointed someone. Show us personal accountability and action. And like the first essay, details are important. Be specific enough that we get a clear picture of the situation, the result, and your role in it. Finally, don’t get to the end and forget the last part of our question: How did you respond, and what did you learn about yourself as a result? Other thoughts: Stick to one particular example instead of a string of several instances, and avoid being too vague. Consider both your immediate reaction and your reaction once given time to think and reflect. 3) (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere that may be helpful in reviewing your application (e.g., unusual choice of evaluators, weaknesses in academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes, etc.). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. Optional is optional! We are NOT docking you for an empty optional essay. Actually, quite the opposite; if you give us an extra five paragraphs to read and it’s not necessary, we will question your judgment or your ability to express yourself succinctly elsewhere. For example, you do not need to further declare your love for Tuck here when you can articulate that in the first essay and the interview. Reasons you should use this space: Explaining an unusual recommender, or why you didn’t include your current direct supervisor. Explaining a particularly incongruent semester/class from undergrad, or a poor record overall. Anything else that may need additional explanation—as in, without it we will not understand the true context behind something. A good rule here is to keep it to a reasonable length. If you’re unsure if you should explain something, err on the side of including it—just do so as succinctly as possible. 4) (To be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (500 words) This question is very straightforward, but similarly to the optional essay, try not to repeat a bunch of stuff from elsewhere in the application. Naturally, it might happen here and there, but use your best judgment. If you received reapplicant feedback, you should specifically address that feedback—all of it. Word Counts: All noted word counts are meant as a guideline. While we’re not going to count every word, if your essay is exceptionally short, you either haven’t explained something fully, or simply did not put in much effort; if your essay is exceptionally long, you should consider revising it to be more succinct.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Life in Suburbia essays

Life in Suburbia essays After World War II the concept of life in America began a new. The process of suburbanization began in cities all across the nation. Today the cities of yesteryear are gone and life as we knew it ended. However, people do not want it to end. They still want the American Dream; the house in the suburbs, the good job, the wife, car and 2.4 kids playing in the yard. These people have been the driving force in the division of socioeconomic status, and the division of race in the suburbs. They accomplish this through local governments and the decisions made through them. Though what has been created, by all of this over the years, isn't necessarily bad, but it has hurt the country in ways that we did not expect. When soldiers returned from the war they were greeted with open arms and a new booming economy. It was this booming economy, of service-oriented jobs, that allowed the middle class of people the opportunity to move away from their jobs and separate their work from their home. Also during that time we were still, as a country, practicing racial segregation, which is part of the reason for the racial inequalities in the suburbs today. These new communities, of mostly white nuclear families, were now in need of a council to make the decisions that needed to be made for their area. They didn't want the city to make these decisions for them since they were so far away. Also since most people worked in the city, they wanted to continue with the dream of keeping home and work separate. Therefore they banded together as neighborhoods and communities to make the decisions that affected that area on a daily basis. The benefit of this was that now they had almost total autonomy from the poor and the lower class they so quickly left behind in the city. This is where the socioeconomic division began. The people of the suburbs loved their lives. They lived around the people of the same socioeconomic status and w ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Learn About Molecular and Empirical Formulas

Learn About Molecular and Empirical Formulas The molecular formula is an expression of the number and type of atoms that are present in a single molecule of a substance. It represents the actual formula of a molecule. Subscripts after element symbols represent the number of atoms. If there is no subscript, it means one atom is present in the compound. The empirical formula is also known as the simplest formula. The empirical formula is the ratio of elements present in the compound. The subscripts in the formula are the numbers of atoms, leading to a whole number ratio between them. Examples of Molecular and Empirical Formulas The molecular formula of glucose is  C6H12O6. One molecule of glucose contains 6 atoms of carbon, 12 atoms of hydrogen and 6 atoms of oxygen. If you can divide all of the numbers in a  molecular formula by some value to simplify them further, then the empirical or simple formula will be different from the molecular formula. The empirical formula for glucose is CH2O. Glucose has 2 moles of hydrogen for every mole of carbon and oxygen. The formulas for water and hydrogen peroxide are: Water Molecular Formula: H2OWater Empirical Formula: H2OHydrogen Peroxide Molecular Formula: H2O2Hydrogen Peroxide Empirical Formula: HO In the case of water, the molecular formula and empirical formula are the same. Finding Empirical and Molecular Formula from Percent Composition Percent (%) composition (element mass/compound mass) X 100 If you are given the percent  composition of a compound, here are the steps for finding the empirical formula: Assume you have a 100 grams  sample. This makes the calculation simple because the percentages will be the same as the number of grams. For example, if 40% of the mass of a compound is oxygen then you calculate you have 40 grams of oxygen.Convert grams to moles. Empirical formula is a comparison of the number of moles of a compound so you need your values in moles. Using the oxygen example again, there are 16.0 grams per mole of oxygen so 40 grams of oxygen would be 40/16 2.5 moles of oxygen.Compare the number of moles of each element to the smallest number of moles you got and divide by the smallest number.Round your ratio of moles to the nearest whole number as long as it is close to a whole number. In other words, you can round 1.992 up to 2, but you cant round 1.33 to 1. Youll need to recognize common ratios, such as 1.333 being 4/3. For some compounds, the lowest number of atoms of an element might not be 1! If the lowest number of moles is four-thirds, you will need to multi ply all ratios by 3 to get rid of the fraction. Write the empirical formula of the compound. The ratio numbers are subscripts for the elements. Finding the molecular formula is only possible if you are given the molar mass of the compound. When you have the molar mass you can find the ratio of the actual mass of the compound to the empirical mass. If the ratio is one (as with water, H2O), then the empirical formula and molecular formula are the same. If the ratio is 2 (as with hydrogen peroxide, H2O2), then multiply the subscripts of the empirical formula by 2 to get the correct molecular formula. two.